Kingdom Blueprints for God’s Mighty Men is a life changing twelve (10 or 12) Week Impact Group designed to equip and empower men to discover their true identity in Christ as elite fighting man of valor.
When you discover who God created you to be you can no longer be passive, withdrawn or harassed by the enemy. Now you’re standing up and confronting every challenge and you’re no longer willing to live your life on the defensive. Now you’re on offence, you’re taking charge and you’re driving the ball down field! It feels great to make a new run after God and now you’re attacking life and living strong in Him. The breakthroughs you’ve been hoping and praying for (for a long time) begin to happen! You’re winning the battles you once used to lose, and your God is fighting for you to give you victory in every area of your life!
This is a new season. It's time to stop listening to the voice of the enemy that will always tell you that you can never be free or get that breakthrough you’ve been praying for. The truth is, absolute victory is clearly what the Word of God promises every true disciple of Jesus Christ! This is a new season—this is your time!
The outlines contained in this Impact Group are inspired by the story of the eleven (11) mighty men of Gad found in 1 Chronicles chapter 12.
These were the men of Gad who took a risk to seek after David when he was a fugitive in hiding from the murderous King Saul. Saul was disqualified by God for his disobedience and so God instructed the Prophet Samuel to find and anoint a new King. So, David (a type of Christ) was anointed King but his time to take his rightful place as the new King had not yet come. These mighty men of Gad (the Gadites) left their comfort, security and families behind to exalt Dave as their King!
The arrival of these eleven (11) mighty men greatly strengthened David and strategically helped him build and mobilize his growing army! These mighty men of Gad became the much-needed Generals in David’s elite army. This army became so mighty in battle that it resembled the army of God! (1 Chronicles 12:22)
​In this strategic time in history like the mighty men of Gad, God is calling out a mighty remnant of men to fight and lead. He is calling us to make a bold move to seek after him with our whole hearts. He is calling us to take bold action by exalting Jesus as Lord over every area of our lives no matter the cost!
As we watch the culture around us continue to disintegrate and grow more and more wicked, the call of God grows stronger! Remember, God is still on the throne and he is fully in control. His divine purpose will come to pass not just for America, but for all the nations of the world. Most of us never thought we would see the day when Jesus and the Word of God would be openly mocked and challenged. But Jesus knew, and he told us that we would be hated of all men for His name's sake and that if we endured to the end we would be saved. (Matthew 10:22)
In these perilous times these questions must be asked: Who will take up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit? Who will become dangerous and enter into the battle? Who will take a stand and lead with strength? Who will speak the truth in love and take the risk of being persecuted for the holy cause of Christ? I’ll tell you who will do this and so much more--the mighty remnant of God will rise!
The men of Gad (the Gadites) have much to teach us. The outlines that will be presented in the men's group are taken directly from the charicteristics of these mighty men of Gad. These men had faces like “the faces of lions,” and when David needed help, the Gadites of lion-like strength and character devoted themselves fully to the fugitive King.
They put to flight all them of the valleys, both of the east and of the west. These Gadites stood with David (a type of Christ) they were remarkable men. They embraced the cause of David when he was in his very worst condition. They left the ease and comfort of their own homes to associate themselves with him when he was regarded as an outlaw under the ban of society. Had they been discovered they and their families would have been executed by King Saul. But they put their very lives on the line to exalt David as King over Israel!
In many ways we are the modern-day men of Gad and the risk and challenges we all face are just as extreme. We are the last days
remnant of God called to exalt Christ no matter the cost!
In this impact group we will learn valuable strategies and principle of warfare and victory from of these mighty men of Gad. God has a plan for every one of us and he has promised to prepare and empower us to fulfill our assignment. The Holy Spirit of God is always calling, preparing and leading his men forward. Are you willing to make your move and answer His call at this strategic hour? Are you willing to say, “Here I am Lord, send me!”
A warning to the men God is calling out at this strategic time.
Blue Prints for God’s Mighty Men is a dangerous group because
in this group we will discover that we are called and empowered
to walk in victory and authority!
Men who are empowered to take the lead are dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. The enemy knows his time is short and so he seeks who and what he might (if he could) destroy. But the mighty men of God say, enough! This is where we drive a stake into the ground and stand strong in the power of God! When men exalt Jesus and radically make Him Lord the enemy is defeated! God’s men become unstoppable!
We recognize that this is the time to obey the call of God. We’re answering this call to launch Blueprints for God’s Mighty Men at Cornerstone Assembly in Flowery Branch. God has put His heart and vision for His men in us, and so we invite you to make a old move and join us! Consider yourself called! This your time to become dangerous and to learn how to fight for your children, your family and your marriage. This is also your time to learn how to fight for your breakthrough and to learn how to receive the many promises contained in the Word of God! The Kingdom (your inheritance) will be established and advanced in and through you for the glory of God!


Keith Johnson